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#Business ID: 17541

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Le Grandeu Pecatu Hotel Resort in Bali

Business Location: Uluwatu, Bali, Indonesia

Asking Price: $ 5m & above Revenue: $ 1m to 5m Cash Flow: $ 1m to 5m

[Furniture / Fixtures and Inventory / Stock included]

Business Summary

Le Grandeu Pecatu Hotel Resort in Bali for sale investment business in Uluwatu.

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Property Details


110000 Sq. Ft.

Years Established:


Property Type:



$ 2,000,000

Inventory Value:

$ 8,000,000

Real Estate Value:

$ 100,000,000

Other Business Details

Business Location:

Located in the middle of a golf course designed by Ronald Frame with beautiful panoramic mountain and sea . Just a 10 -minute walk from Dream Land and has easy access to various tourist destinations in Bali, The hotel creates a new definition of comfort and privacy that create an experience that is truly memorable .

Premise Details:

Hotel has been operating with AHS (Absolute Hotel Service) an International Hotel Management, which can be seen from the loyalty and employee benefits.


Considering the hotel is no longer easily permits issued / propagated by the government, it becomes a very good option.

Expansion Potential:

View Beach, Dream Land, New Kuta Beach, and located / to be exactly 2 golf courses are often used as a golf course preferred by the state and business guests visiting Bali, so coupled with innovation management / operational ideas then additional highly prospective for still exist even expansion into Hotel in The Makin Class in Bali. The price for the location , land area and the hotel occupancy rate ( occupancy of at least 80 % ) then they will be fairly price -value / highly prospective , plus of course a capital gain.

Living Accommodation?

The location is in BPG ( Bali Pecatu Graha ), according to which the current is very rare / almost no more land for sale in the area BPG.

Planning Consent:

LOI will be written response, as well as the schedule of Due Diligence and please include all the questions in the LOI related things they want to know before the Due Diligence.

Business Operation Details



Trading Hours:

24 hours

Support & Training:

For buyers submit LOI (letter of intent) and bank statements, as a letter of interest as the basis of stakeholder meeting, and we will respond in writing. Bank statement can be evidence of ownership of funds or financially support a statement from the financial institution.

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