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#Business ID: 11217

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PETRONIO Building Hand Tools & Hardware By Owner

Business Location: Pescara, Abruzzi, Italy

Asking Price: $ 19,275,000 Revenue: $ 4,580,000 Cash Flow: $ 1,435,200

Business Summary

PETRONIO is a famous Italian company that distributes building hand-tools and hardware in all Italy and exports in many countries of the world. The company started its activity more that 35 years ago with production of some building tools and during the year increase more and more, enlarging the market of sales, the number of items (today PETRONIO has more then 1400 references in the range) and an important and qualified network of suppliers both in Italy and worldwide (India, China, Taiwan, Germany, France). Each of them has been carefully selected during the years in order to grant the high quality level of PETRONIO products.

PETRONIO nowadays has about 30 salesmen in Italy (all of them are paid with commission, in percentage with the amount of sales, so they did not represent a fixed cost). In Italy there are almost 1.000 clients, several of them have even a PETRONIO showroom in order to improve the visibility of products and increase the sales. Moreover PETRONIO exports in many countries such as France, Switzerland, Portugal, Albania, Romania, Croatia etc.

PETRONIO activity is made in a very modern complex that consists of 2 plants (in the same area). The company is for sale both ACTIVITY - BUSINESS organization and PLANTS for € 15 million tractable. In case of interest, it is possible to buy separately only the PLANTS or only the ACTIVITY-BUSINESS organization. Premises can be used as a factory (already with a modern hardware), supermarket, shopping centre, warehouse. There is a big parking around the plants. We are at your disposal to value the proposal and there is maximum availability.

Property Details

Years Established:


Other Business Details

Business Location:

The plants are situated in Abruzzo (region in central part of Italy), 28 km from the sea and 50 km from the mountains.

Premise Details:

PLANT 1: Factory + Warehouse area: 2525 square meters Offices area : 515 square meters on 2 floors. On each floor there are 6 offices and a meeting room; so there are 12 offices and 2 meeting rooms in total) Elegant hall on the ground floor. Area around the plant: 3987 square meters PLANT 2: Warehouse area: 1511 square meters Offices area: 523 square meters (all on the same floor, with several offices and a very big meeting room). Area around the plant: 2207 square meters.


As regards business development, the potential is high! At the present moment the company is very well known on the market with its brand, but in several regions of Italy the turnover could increase much more with a stronger sales actions and enforcing the sales department.

Living Accommodation?

There is a comfortable apartment in the palnt 2 on same floor where offices are.

Business Operation Details



Trading Hours:

40 hours per week, 8 hours per day, 5 working days per week

Support & Training:


Miscellaneous Details

Reason For Selling:

The owner was running this business more than 35 years and wants to hold up because of the age and continue only with wine business.

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